The Ultimate Guide to Ecopreneurship: Everything
You Need to Know
Want your business to do some good in the world? Going the sustainable route with the
impending climate crisis may be a good option for your bottom line and the environment. Here,
Imperium Solar shares everything you need to know about ecopreneurship.
What Exactly Is Ecopreneurship?
Let’s get the basics clear first.
Definition: Ecopreneurship can be understood as a business that creates products or services that benefit people, the planet, and prosperity.
Process: When following ecopreneurship, you will need to value strategies such as collaboration over competition, fulfillment over financial gain, and eco-conscious over convenience.
Consider influence: Having a personal investment in your team or an altruistic mission statement empowers you to shape culture in eco-friendly ways.
Plan Your Eco-Friendly Business
Once you’ve understood the basics of ecopreneurship, it’s time to plan your new green
● Write a business plan: This will give you a how-to guide on writing a business plan and
a roadmap you can look back on.
● Marketing: Be sure to use green marketing principles to engage with your audience on
your sustainable practices.
● Location: Choose a good rental or location to situate your business or office. Make sure
the space has green features or a landlord open to adding them.
● Solar: Contact Imperium Solar about having a solar system installed to help power your
business and reduce your utility expenses.
Practicing What You Preach
Once your business goes on autopilot, it’s time to prove your commitment to ecopreneurship.
Greenify: Commit to ensuring your supply chain is sustainable and use eco packaging and renewable resources.
Certification: Getting a LEED certification or becoming a certified green business will be an excellent next step.
Career: Obtain available IT certifications online to prepare for work in information technology of green companies.
Advocate: Be sure to advocate for change at a government level by signing petitions and meeting with local officeholders and other entrepreneurs.
As an ecopreneur, you will make the world a better place. And you may just find going green
dramatically benefits your business practices and revenue too! Be sure to use all the
sustainable resources you can to start your business today.
"Janet Lovelace created Work Can Wait because too many entrepreneurs feel like work is always calling. Work Can Wait is about helping small business owners automate, delegate, and systematize their businesses so they can prioritize their lives."